Graduates Throwing Hats


Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) is a fully-accredited institution that complies with the standards set by an entity that reviews community colleges in this region, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). This "stamp of approval" provides students, faculty, staff, and the public with assurances of our integrity, quality, and effectiveness. In addition, our accredited status allows students to obtain federal funding and receive credit for courses when transferring to other institutions. The ACCJC posts all eligibility requirements and accreditation standards on their website.

The ACCJC, part of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), is authorized to operate by the U.S. Department of Education through the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. The ACCJC may be reached by mail, email, or phone: 428 J Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814, P: (415) 506-0234 | E: @email

LAVC also has programs that are accredited by external organizations:

Information on filing a complaint against the college regarding a possible violation of accreditation standards can be found on the website of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC).


In August 2022, LAVC submitted the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report  (ISER), which was the culmination of two years of dedicated work by eleven teams of faculty, classified staff, and administrators along with the Accreditation Steering Committee and the District Accreditation Committee. The college-wide efforts were led by the Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO), Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, the LAVC President, and the Faculty Accreditation Chair (FAC).

After evaluating the ISER, the peer review team held a virtual town hall and provided feedback with two core inquiries in early October 2022. LAVC has presented the response for the core inquiries and hosted five team members for the in-person Focused Site Visit on February 27-28, 2023. The District also submitted a response related to their core inquiries. 

Following the focused site visit in February, the peer review team collated a report of their findings and presented it to the ACCJC during its annual June meeting. The Commission's Action letter to reaffirm LAVC's accreditation for seven years was sent to the College President on June 15, 2023. 

Institutional Self-Evaluation Report  (ISER)

The College’s other recent reports can be found below. Evidence files for the 2022 ISER are also available on SharePoint. 

ACCJC Site Visit Spring 2023


The reviewing team for LAVC's ISER consists of ten administrators and faculty members from other accredited community colleges, ranging from Northern California to Hawaii. While the entire team participated in ISER review, the following five members were on campus from February 27-28, 2023 for a Focused Site Visit : Dr. Eva Bagg, Chair; Dr. Claudia Habib, Vice Chair; Ms. Kristina Allende; Ms. Lindsay Kong; and Dr. Mandy Liang. Public events during the site visit included an open forum on Monday, February 27 at 1:00pm and exit report on Tuesday, February 28 at 11:30am. Both events took place in Monarch Hall. 

Event Calendar Links:



To find out more about our accreditation efforts or accredited status, contact Matthew Jordan, LAVC Accreditation Liaison Officer, at (818) 947-2378 or @email. Links to external resources can be found below.


A third-party comment assists the ACCJC as it considers applications for candidacy, accreditation, or reaffirmation of accreditation. To submit a third-party comment to the ACCJC, please go to the ACCJC Third-Party Comment Online Form.


  • Dr. Barry Gribbons, LAVC President
  • Dr. Matthew Jordan, Accreditation Liaison Officer and VP of Academic Affairs
  • Ms. Michelle Fowles, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Mr. Chauncey Maddren, Academic Senate President
  • Dr. Yih-Mei Hu, Faculty Accreditation Chair
  • Dr. Ruby Christian-Brougham, AFT 1521 Chapter President
  • Mr. Chad Baugher, AFT 1521A Chapter Chair
  • Mr. Florentino Manzano, VP of Student Services
  • Ms. Sarah Song, VP of Admininstrative Services