Graduates Throwing Hats

Online Certificates in Career Education


Fully Online Certificates

Director standing in glass doorway to office.

Career and Academic Pathways (CAPs) are groups of similar programs designed to help you select a program of study (i.e., a major) and speed your progress towards completion. Within each CAP, you can explore a set of program maps that show a semester by semester path from program entry to completion. Please use these as a starting point when meeting with a counselor to develop your Student Education Plan to best meet your schedule and academic goals.

The certificates listed in the following CAPs are available entirely online.


CO Sci: Cloud computing

CO Sci: C/C++ ***

CO Sci: Microcomputer Systems ***

CO Sci: Microcomputer Literacy

STEM Foundation

Mostly Online Certificates


Students and staff with the LAVC Mascot in front of the Student Union

Mostly Online, 1 face-to-face class.  In these certificates, all the classes except one (1) are online.  Check out the specific certificate you would like to find out which class is the face-to-face class.

Two female students happily posing for the camera

Some Online, 2 face-to-face classes.  In these certificates, all the classes except two (2) are online.  Check out the specific certificate you would like to find out which two (2) classes are the face-to-face classes.