Frequently Asked Questions
How can I order transcripts?
Effective December 1, 2020, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) will be changing its Online Transcript Order and Fulfillment Service Provider to Parchment. Students may order an official LACCD transcript online, 24/7 through the following three sites:
- Go directly to Parchment at:
- Click the Academic Records tile on your homepage, or
- By following the link on the LAVC college’s website Transcript page.
Set-up a New Learner Account. After you set up your New Learner Account, you can log into your account and track your transcript ordering and delivery process. You will also be able to add other requests throughout your academic career
Keep in mind that LACCD now issues a single district transcript to include all nine colleges. Please place the transcript order at the last LACCD College you attended. The LACCD transcript will reflect both credit and noncredit courses completed at any of the nine LACCD Colleges.
The regular transcript fee is $3.00 (ten business days or less for processing). There is no rush/emergency service at this time. For the first three months, Parchment will waive the $2.75 processing fee for all online orders. This introductory offer will expire on February 28, 2021 so place your order today!
For additional information, please view the tutorials listed below.
Parchment Video Tutorials:
How to Create an Account in Parchment
Parchment Video Tutorials:
How to Order a Transcript
Yes, through the LACCD Student Information System! For more details, visit our Transcripts/Verifications Web page.
The LAVC Admissions & Records Office is open Monday-Thursday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. and on Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm; hours are subject to change. Applications are accepted year round. Visit the Admissions & Records Web page for the latest information.
The Federal school code is 001228. The College Board Code for financial aid is 4401.
You can apply online for admissions to Los Angeles Valley College. In addition, you can enroll in classes, check your grades, update your student contact info, petition to graduate, view unofficial transcripts, and order official transcripts through the LACCD Student Portal.
Anywhere from 1 day to 4 weeks after the end of a semester.
Courses have “dynamic” waitlists. This means that you may add yourself to a waitlist after a class closes, and you will be added to that class when space becomes available. For more information, visit the Waitlist Policy for Closed Classes on LACCD PeopleSoft SIS FAQ. If you are unable to be added to the waitlist, once the semester starts, go to that class on the first day of classes and see if there are openings.
You are allowed to take up to 19 units during Spring and Fall. You can take 8 units or two classes up to 10 units during winter and summer sessions. If you wish to take more than the units allowed you will need the approval of a counselor.
Find out what the current fees are by visiting our Fees Web page.
On the Internet they must have specific information that is requested.
Yes. You may make changes to your registration anytime after you have completed your initial enrollment before the semester begins. View the Academic Calendar on the LAVC Schedule Web page for specific deadlines.
Yes, if the class is still open you can enroll by add permit by the instructor. You will need to go to the first class meeting, and request permission to add from the instructor.
If possible, select another section of the class that is open. Or, if possible or desirable, change your schedule to take classes that are open. Or, attend the class you want after school starts and see if the instructor has room for more students. If the instructor allows you into the class, he/she will give you permission number, which you will enter into the LACCD Student Portal.
You can drop a class in person or through the Student Information System on the LACCD Student Portal. It is your responsibility to drop a class before the deadline.
Auditing is permitted only with the written permission of the classroom instructor, using an Audit Add permit. No guarantees and audits are not covered by financial aid. It costs $15.00 per unit. There are no refunds.
Lower division courses (freshman, sophomore level) are those taught during the first two years of college. LAVC offers only lower division courses. Upper division courses (junior and senior level) are taught at a four-year college or university.
In the LAVC schedule of classes and catalog, a course is listed as "UC" and/or "CSU" if it is transferable to the University of California and/or California State University systems respectively. For information about a course's transferability to other universities, such as private California schools, talk to a counselor.
No. An A. A. is not required for transfer nor does it make you eligible for transfer. However, many students decide to get an A. A. before they transfer. Transfer to the UC is based on high school and college courses as well as grades. Admission will be based on completion of certain major as well as general education courses. If you want an A. A., see a counselor to help you plan a program that will maximize the courses that can be used to meet both UC transfer and A. A. requirements.
No. However, as in the case of UC transfer, there is considerable overlap between A. A. requirements and transfer requirements, particularly in the general education areas. With careful planning and the help of a counselor, you will be able to get an A. A. and be eligible to transfer with the minimum number of courses required.
The admission requirements are different for UC as opposed to CSU. The minimum requirements to enter the UC are 60 transferable units, 2.4 grade point average for California residents, and at least 7 specific general education requirements. However, admission to very popular campuses, such as UCLA or UC Berkeley, or to popular majors, such as Engineering or Business, will require higher grades and additional courses in the major. Transfer to the CSU requires 56 transferable units, a 2.0 grade point average for California residents, and at least 4 specific general education requirements. Whether applying to UC or CSU, students should have a major in mind and having completed some of the major requirements. For details and program planning, see a counselor as soon as you have decided on transfer as a goal.
A "W" means withdrawal. You may withdraw (drop) from full-semester classes before the end of the fourth week without a "W" notation on your academic record; however, you must submit your withdrawal request to the admissions office by the date listed in the college calendar found in the class schedule. If you withdraw from a class after the no penalty drop date the grade of "W" will appear on your academic record, as long as you have submitted your request to the admissions office. Dropping a class without submitting a request may result in an "F" grade.
If I get a "D" or "F" in a class, what can I do? A class in which you earned a "D" or "F" can be repeated, but only once. Using the registration system, you can re-enroll in the class; no special procedure is needed for the repeat enrollment. However, once you have completed the course and have been given a grade, you will need to file a petition for "Grade Forgiveness". Once this petition is filed, your best grade in the course will be used on your GPA while the other grade is ignored (but still visible on the transcript). You may repeat up to a lifetime maximum of 15 units at Valley College using the "Grade Forgiveness' petition to have the best of the two grades used on your grade point average.
If you do not want to repeat the courses and you can meet the requirements by taking another courses, it may be possible to have the D or F grades omitted from your gpa if your academic performance has improved since the time you earned those grades. The process is called "academic renewal." However, there are certain conditions that have to be met. See a counselor for details.
See the answers to the above questions. Also, unless otherwise noted in the catalog, a course for which you earned a "C"or better grade cannot be repeated. Furthermore, you may not repeat a course for which you earned an "Incomplete."
You may receive an incomplete grade ("I") when your instructor believes you are unable to complete the requirements of the course, because of unforeseeable emergency and justifiable reasons, before the end of the semester. To receive credit for the course, you must finish the incomplete work no later than one year from the end of the semester in which the incomplete was assigned. You must consult the instructor or appropriate area dean for additional information.
Some departments allow some courses that you may take a special examination to gain credit for a course in which you are not formally registered or have not received previous credit. If you seek credit by examination, consult the Admissions Office.
As a student you are expected to attend every class session. Check with each instructor the first week of classes for the attendance policy of that class.
The following are guidelines on cheating. The list itself is not meant to limit the definition of academic dishonesty. Items not on the list could constitute academic dishonesty.
- In-class cheating:
When taking an examination, unauthorized looking at, procuring or sharing information from any unauthorized sources.
- Out-of-class cheating:
Unauthorized acquisition, reading or knowledge of test questions prior to the testing date and time; changing any portion of a returned, graded test or report and resubmitting it as original work to be regarded; or presenting the work of another as ones own.
- Plagiarism:
Representation of expression or ideas from either published or unpublished work(s) as students own. This also includes copying software and the violation of copyright laws.
- Furnishing false information:
Forgery, falsification, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification in class or laboratory situations.
- Common Examples of Academic Dishonesty-(Non-inclusive):
Copying answers from another student during in-class examinations. Turning in a report, term paper, or other assignment which has not been written by the student. The use of notes, books, dictionaries, or other references during an examination that are not authorized by the instructor. Signing an attendance sheet for another student not present in class.
- Consequences of Cheating:
A faculty member can give a student a failing grade on the specific exam or assignment on which the student was caught cheating, because the student’s demonstrated proficiency on that exam or assignment has been compromised. Additionally, that grade can be factored into the student's overall grade. However, under current Board policy, a faculty member may not fail a student in a course as a form of discipline for cheating. Other penalties for violations of the Student Code of Conduct may be imposed by the Vice-President of Student Services.
- Repeated Violations: In the case of repeated violations or violations in deliberate disregard to the specific warning, a student will be subject to progressive discipline that could result in more serious sanctions. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct Board Rule 9803 are subject to any of the following types of disciplinary actions:
- Reprimand
- Restitution charges for damaged or misappropriated property
- Disciplinary Probation
- Disciplinary Suspension
- Expulsion from the college.
- Reporting Violations: When an alleged incident of academic dishonesty occurs, the faculty member may take the following steps to report the incident:
- Inform the student and the Department Chair of the alleged violation and the action
- Complete the SD5 form (Student Discipline) and submit it with documentation to the Vice President of Student Services.
- The Vice-President of Student Services will investigate the allegations and recommend any appropriate disciplinary actions, beyond any actions taken by the faculty member specific to course grading.